In this article I will talk about the importance of slowing down and how it can make you a better engineer.


We all know that the tech world is moving rapidly, new innovations are surfacing every day and the competition is fierce. Every week there is a new javascript framework to learn and star on GitHub. Every day there is a new startup that is disrupting the industry and the word “AI” is thrown around like it’s the new buzzword.

It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the tech world and feel like you’re falling behind. Like you’re never going to compete with the 10x engineers who’re working 80 hours a week and have a side project that is going to change the world. However, I believe that there is a better way to approach this problem. Instead of trying to keep up with the pace of the tech world, we should slow down and focus on the things that really matter.

The art of slowing down

Let’s face it, we all want to earn 10x more money, be 10x more productive, wear the hat of the superstar engineer and be the next Elon Musk. But realistically, only a tiny percentage of people achieve fame or massive success. Does that mean the rest of us are failing? Not at all.

Most of us are simply engineers who love what we do and are trying to make a good living. We don’t need to become the next Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg to be happy. What we need is to focus on what truly fulfills us in both our personal and professional lives.

But, how do we do that? How do we slow down in a world moving so fast? Here are a few tips that I’ve found helpful:

  1. Take breaks: It is important to take breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries. Working in a pomodoro style is an excellent way to keep up with the craziness of the day-to-day work.
  2. Exercise : Exercise is a great way to clear your mind and reduce stress. It is also a great way to stay healthy and fit. There is nothing better than being a fit software engineer and being to run a race without needing to consume 10 cups of coffee and stay up late working on the next big thing.
  3. Travel : You don’t need to travel to the end of the world or do expensive trips. Take a weekend off and go hiking or camping. It is a great way to disconnect from the world and recharge your batteries. You will be surprised that there is more in life than spending it in front of the computer screen.
  4. Read books : Reading books is a great way to slow down and learn new things. It is also a great way to relax and escape from the craziness of the tech world. There is nothing better than reading a good book and sips a cup of coffee on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
  5. Spend time with family and friends : Spending time with family and friends is a great way to slow down and appreciate the things that really matter in life. There is a famous quote that says “No one on their deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I had created more git commits and broke master more times’”. Spend time with your loved ones and enjoy the little moments in life because that moment never last forever.

Will Slowing Down Hurt My Career?

You might be thinking that slowing down will affect your career, and you will never be able to compete with the 10x engineers who’re working 80 hours a week. But here’s the thing: constantly running at full speed often leads to burnout and a loss of passion for your work.

Remember, you’re not a machine. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally makes you a better engineer in the long run. Sure, learn new things, work on side projects, but don’t sacrifice your health and well-being for career advancement.


Am I doing all of these things perfectly myself? Of course not! It’s a journey. But if this article helps me focus on what’s important and encourages you to do the same, then it’s worth it. Slowing down doesn’t make you a lesser engineer; it helps you be a better one, grounded in what matters.